The 9 Most Asinine, Offensive Ad Campaigns Of Modern Times

The 9 Types of Concert Venues and Why Each One of Them Blows

8 Insane Things That Amazingly Correlate With One Another

8 of the worst party fouls you might not even know you’re committing

7 wines guys might like even as much as beer

9 great shows you can Netflix marathon over the weekend

8 kickass games you can beat in just one evening

9 apartment hunting tips to keep you (mostly) sane

7 of the best first person games you probably haven’t played

7 Silly Flirting Mistakes Women Make All The Time

8 things the Amish do that are absolutely right

11 hilarious ways women’s magazines tell women to flirt

8 of the coolest gadgets for your next backyard bash

33 of the funniest police blotter reports ever published

6 types of men’s publications you’ll find on the Internet

17 of the most painfully obvious movie mistakes of all time

10 types of liquor from around the world you may not know about

9 awesome LinkedIn hacks for the serious job hunter

8 Chain Restaurants And The Type Of Girl You Take To Them

The 9 types of Yelp reviewers: From worst to best

The 6 best beer festivals you need to check out this summer

The 8 most amazing places to camp in America this summer

7 beers with ridiculously high alcohol content

6 badass fitness challenges for you to accomplish this summer

9 perfect craft beers for your Memorial Day barbecue