Twitter Crazy: This week’s best celebrity tweets

eldh, Flickr

Every week celebrities go on Twitter and speak their minds. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re thought-provoking, and sometimes we don’t know what they’re talking about. This list is all of that and more. Strap in. It could get bumpy.

Photo credit: eldh, Flickr




Also accurate.


Don’t give people any ideas.


Not sure how to take that.


Sage advice.


Hilarious as hell, but an awful visual.


Yes. Sigh.


Ah, the rock star life of a parent.


Sadly, it must be working for them.


Hashtag of the week.


Reverse profiling at its finest.


What if they are tweeting about a TV show?


Looking good.


So do we.


Sheik is taking their breakup pretty hard.




We fully support this initiative.


Pop culture interest moves fast.


Sorry, what?


Join the club.


Homey don’t play that!


On the day BEFORE Halloween? Not right.


Doesn’t the man have enough yet?




It’s 50% acceptable.


Guaranteed someone out there is.




I was not aware of that.


One of the hazards of Halloween.


Have a great weekend, everybody!