Twitter Crazy: This week’s best celebrity tweets

eldh, Flickr

Every week celebrities go on Twitter and speak their minds. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re thought-provoking, and sometimes we don’t know what they’re talking about. This list is all of that and more. Strap in. It could get bumpy.

Photo credit: eldh, Flickr


That is funny.


Where can I get that mattress?




Please don’t let Roger Goodell see this tweet.


The world is a toilet: your next Olympic motto.


Now we miss it too and we weren’t even there.


The lucky few.


*makes note on shopping list*


And fruit.


Did she just figure this out?


Best of luck, it’s really not that hard.


“Work, Bitch.”


It is a hopeless feeling.


Or just that you own a Pontiac Aztec.


There should be a sign by the counter saying this.


I will never, ever believe this.



They should combine those two games: Grand Theft Disney.


His second tweet ever!


There is no such thing.


I dare anyone to do either of those.




I thought it was Sucker.


Yes, it was a big day here in the States.


You should be.


Just wait for this to come out each week instead.


Somebody’s in a bad mood.


Do they even make that anymore?


A vicious cycle.


Have a great weekend, everyone!