Scientists Believe They’ve Made Breakthroughs In Figuring Out What Aliens Will Look Like


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Scientists from the University of Oxford believe they’ve made headway in determining what aliens look like. By applying evolutionary theory for the first time, the research scientists have been able to make some determinations about what extraterrestrials will look like based on what those higher life forms have had to go through on their path to becoming a higher life form.

The research suggests that just like here on planet earth, there is going to be a wide variety of alien creatures, all ranging in complexity. Beyond that, what the scientists have determined is that aliens could actually be pretty similar to human beings in shape and appearance (via Daily Mail):

In terms of looks, the researchers make a number of predictions about aliens.
Mr Levin said: ‘We still can’t say whether aliens will walk on two legs or have big green eyes.
‘But we believe evolutionary theory offers a unique additional tool for trying to understand what aliens will be like, and we have shown some examples of the kinds of strong predictions we can make with it.
‘By predicting that aliens have undergone major transitions – which is how complexity has arisen in species on earth, we can say that there is a level of predictability to evolution that would cause them to look like us.
‘Like humans, we predict that they are made-up of a hierarchy of entities, which all cooperate to produce an alien.
‘At each level of the organism there will be mechanisms in place to eliminate conflict, maintain cooperation, and keep the organism functioning. (via)

I’m still convinced that aliens already exist on planet earth, and they’re either this Rhinoceros Beetle and/or octopuses. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t human-like aliens out there just waiting to make first contact before invading our planet.

Not too long ago I listened to an episode of This American Life where they had some scientists discussing why we haven’t made contact with life from other planets yet. If the universe truly is infinite, and there are an infinite number of planets and ecosystems, then why are we the only higher life form trying to make contact with others? Are we actually alone in the universe against all odds? The podcast episode was titled ‘Fermi’s Paradox’, and if you’re at all interested in Space and extraterrestrials then I suggest giving it a listen because you’ll definitely enjoy it.

For more on this study into what aliens look like you can CLICK HERE to visit the Daily Mail.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.