A New ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Trailer Dropped And I Feel Like I Just Dropped All The Acid At Woodstock

An all new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer just dropped and while it’s not as big of a mind scramble as X-Men: Days Of Future Paste was, after watching this new trailer I now know what it’s like to smoke meth, or take 10 strips of LSD (five’s my max). This is an amazing trailer, and I’m now officially more stoked for X-Men: Apocalypse than any of the other superhero movies coming out this Summer, including Captain America: Civil War. Don’t believe the hype yet? Check it out:

Now let’s get real for a minute, bros. We’re 71 days out from X-Men: Apocalypse hitting theaters, so it’s practically coming out next week. I mean, I’ve had hangovers that’ve lasted seventy one days, and I’ve gone on fishing trips lasting longer than 71 days.

In my mind X-Men: Apocalypse is basically coming out at the end of this month, because time flies. And since I’m thinking about binge re-watching all the previous X-Men movies leading up to Apocalypse I better start now if I want to finish up by opening weekend…right?