Kevin Hart Takes Conan O’Brien To The CrossFit Gym In Conan’s Best Sketch In Years

Kevin Hart’s riding the press train right now leading up to the release of Kevin Hart: What Now? As we see almost immediately in this clip Kevin Hart is crazy proud of the fact that his upcoming live comedy special was the first time a comedian has ever performed in a football stadium for a crowd that size.

Anyways, to hype up the upcoming movie/comedy show with 50,000 people in the audience Kevin Hart took Conan to the local CrossFit gym. There was endless talk of taint (otherwise known as grundle), and it became evident that while Conan appears to work out during his free time he was in no way prepared for a workout like this but tiny ass Kevin Hart graciously helped him get through it.

This is probably the best Conan sketch since that time Kevin Hart, Ice Cube, and Conan all got high as hell and taught one of the interns to drive: