Watch Katt Williams Get His Ass Beat By A Kid – Hahahaha!!!

I thought maybe Katt Williams needed some God in his life. Then I thought Katt Williams needed rehab. Now I know Katt Williams needs to take some jiu jitsu classes. The stand-up comedian found himself in even more drama this week when he started a fight with a little kid and ended getting his ass kicked.

A video of Williams getting into a scuffle with a teenager has gone viral. The brouhaha begins with Katt sucker punching a kid. Then the alleged 7th grader does work. The youngin’ pins the comedian and chokes him out in a matter of seconds. Bystanders had to break up the fight and save Katt from even more embarrassment. The brawl reportedly took place in Melrose, Florida.

Here is the extended version of the fight video.

Katt Williams has had some very bizarre and difficult times recently. Last week, a woman sued Williams for assault and battery. Jamila Majesty said she was at the home of Williams two years ago when the comedian was enraged that she used his bathroom. Other women in the house then allegedly attacked her for three hours and even used Wiccan sorcery.

Earlier this month, Katt got his head stomped at a Beanie Siegel concert. Williams was then arrested when authorities found marijuana and guns at his house. In February, the comedian was arrested for assaulting a store clerk.

Get some help Katt.


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