#TBT To Kevin Hart Trying To Rattle Amy Schumer Before Her ‘Saturday Night Live’ Hosting Debut

Amy Schumer is currently in the precarious position of defending an alleged (former) writer of her show for his scathing, salient commentary on rape after a comedian was banned from the Upright Citizen’s Brigade for rumors of sexual assault. The phrase “re-raping the victim’s good hole!!!” was used, which obviously didn’t go over well with, well, anybody.

But let’s rewind to simpler times, shall we!

Amy Schumer’s SNL hosting debut back in October 2015 was goddamn hilarious. In just her opening monologue, she discussed whether or no it’s an “exciting time for women in Hollywood,” washing buttholes, meeting Hillary Clinton, dating Bradley Cooper and smashing the Kardashians. No joke made me chuckle more than this one, though:

“Is that a great message for girls that the whole family of women who take the faces they were born with as just a light suggestion?”

Prior to her hosting debut, her good friend Kevin Hart gave her some advice. Hart, who has hosted Saturday Night Live twice sent Amy the following text message.


Final verdict: Schumer was lightyears funnier than Hart as an SNL host.