Should You Get Stoned For The ‘True Detective’ Season Premiere Tonight?



I think the reason I fell in love with True Detective last summer was because I was binged out of my mind for the series premiere. That was some good stoned television watching. When you are high and Matthew McConaughey says “start asking the right fucking questions,” you are like, WHOA. Whoa. I have to know what the right questions are.

I watched episodes two and three not high. They were not as good. Four, which I watched after I had heard there was some phenomenal ending, I smoked a joint before. That was fucking awesome. Fucking awesome.

I don’t remember if I was high for episodes five, six and seven, but for the finale I was not. I was gonna get so burned, but then HBOGo crashed and I had to watch it in the morning. It was okay.

So, in conclusion, if you want to enjoy True Detective season two, get high before every episode.