The Future of Cryptocurrency is Kanye West

According to Vice, Coinye West works just like Bitcoin. It's also a non-tangible currency that can be mined online, only it's named with Kanye in mind. Its catchphrase: “WE AIN'T MININ', WE PICKIN.” 

“Our goal with Coinye West is to make it easier for people to use cryptocurrency,” the creators told Vice. “Right now, it’s kind of a dark art for people to mine coins.” (Mining is very complicated: You have to set your computer up to act as a “mining rig,” which requires solving complex mathematical problems.)

“We plan on releasing a front end to the ‘mining’ programs called CoinyeMiner,” the creators added. “It will make things a lot more simple and people will be able to make their own coins. We’re working round-the-clock to get everything going as smoothly as possible.”

I ain't saying she's bitcoin digger… okay, I'll stop.

[H/T: Time]