Treat Your Face To A Cheap Lift With Caffeinated Shaving Cream

When it comes to caffeine in skincare, women are way ahead of the men. Caffeine is already a “go-to” ingredient in everything from eye creams and anti-aging lotions to concealers and moisturizers. It just hasn’t found its way into the shaving world – until now.

Caffeinated Shaving Cream From Pacific Shaving Company

Caffeine is an effective vasoconstrictor and antioxidant that can help reduce the appearance of redness and keeps your skin looking and feeling healthy. Pacific Shaving Company’s products utilize the many benefits of naturally-derived caffeine from coffee beans to help liven up your morning shave routine.

And yes, the caffeine will absorb into your skin and help get you going before you even put your pants on. Will these products replace your morning coffee or Red Bull? Probably not, but your skin will be awake as hell.


Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.