Madonna Smacking Katy Perry’s Ass And Humping Her From Behind Is No Doubt The Hottest Thing You’ll See Today


Hey there … Bros. Katy Perry spent her 31st birthday last night celebrating they way I wish I had celebrated birthdays 12-23. By getting humped, slapped and grinded on by Madonna.

Can I interest you in a couple videos of the night? Sure, I can.

This one is from far away, but shows all the doggy-style humping and grinding first. You can stop watching this one after 24 seconds.

This one has some dude narrating, but better footage. You will enjoy the first minute of it. Then you can stop.

This one is up close. You can stop after 40 seconds.

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. I got to watch all those like 20 times. “For work.”