Miles Teller’s Dime Girlfriend Will Get 100 Men Pregnant With Her SMOKING Hot New Bikini Pics

Keleigh Sperry, you know her, you love her, maybe not as much as bro king-in-training Miles Teller since she’s his girlfriend, but still, we’re definitely big fans.

Ever since we saw her at the Oscars we’ve been having fun keeping tabs on her and Miles’ life together. Her life seems to be spent 99% of the time in a bikini, while his seems to just be pretty much everything we wish ours could be.

These pictures are a large part of the reason why that is…

And just to prove that there is that 1% of the time that she isn’t wearing a bikini, we have these, which are also pretty good.

You lucky son of a bitch, Teller. You lucky son of a bitch.