Octagon Girl Arianny Celeste Gets Into The Christmas Spirit By Wearing Nipple…Ribbons?

For some reason, wall calendars are still in existence here in 2014. I suppose that reason is because women like UFC Octagon Girl Arianny Celeste are willing to take pictures in very sexy poses including this one of her utilizing the rarely-seen application of a couple of what I am calling “nipple ribbons” to promote her calendar and other goodies in her online store as a part of her awesome #12daysofchristmas.

I mean, what else would you call what Arianny is sporting in the photo below? We see nipple tape and pasties used all the time to cover up the goods, but holiday ribbons? This is a new one. She definitely gets points for originality and she ALWAYS gets points for being sexy.

I guess maybe now I do understand why these wall calendars still exist in the world of computers, smart phones and tablets.


Here’s day two of Arianny’s very exciting #12daysofchristmas campaign. No nipple ribbons, but still pretty damn hot.
