This Little Corgi Has A Fever–And The Only Prescription Is More Squirrel

Did I really just open a post with a cowbell headline? You’re damn right I did. This corgi could use a little more cowbell too, just enough to scare that dastardly squirrel off his high horse of a fence.

Why torture such a cute animal? And no, I’m not talking about the squirrel being cute. Squirrels are MISERABLE creatures. Think about it, what the hell has a squirrel ever done for you? At any point in your life has it ever been enhanced by something a squirrel did directly?

Indirectly, sure, squirrels can do awesome things. Like this video for instance of an adorably short-legged corgi chasing that squirrel around like Sisyphus only to have to turn around and chase it again….Poor guy:

via TheBigLead

Like I said before, the Sisyphus of squirrel chasing:

And yes, you did just watch 45 seconds of a corgi chasing a squirrel…and no, you shouldn’t feel badly about that.