Furious Pete eats 9 ears of corn at once thanks to 2 drills

Putting a corn cob on a drill isn’t new, but Furious Pete upped the ante by attaching nine ears of corn to two drills. The way that corn went flying would make Orville Redenbacher proud.

Yes, he didn’t eat the vast majority of the corn, he simply used his teeth to give the cob a shave. I think Furious Pete has done enough eating challenges though that we don’t really need proof he can consume 9 full ears of corn. That’s pretty much a given. Plus, do you really want some guy eating corn like a normal human? You can do that at almost any weekend cookout. A woman eating 35 mac-n-cheese corndogs, now that’s a different story.

If you want to see him fail miserably at trying this one at a time, check out the follow-up video.