8 great hangover cures you may not know

Hangover image by Shutterstock

Water, coffee, more alcohol, death: we all know about these standard solutions to hangovers, but what about some of the more outlandish ones that provide that hangover remedy you’ve been praying for to any god, deity or spirit who will listen to your tortured cries? Here are some great hangover remedies you probably haven’t heard of.

8 Banana milkshake

Banana milkshake image by Shutterstock

A simple shake of banana, milk and ice provides a potento combo of Vitamin B, protein, electrolytes, potassium and water to soothe the stomach and replenish lost nutrients.

7 Tripe soup

Tripe soup image by Shutterstock

If you’re having stomach problems, then maybe all you need is more stomach? Many cultures around the world have found tripe (beef stomach) stews, to be a great hangover cure due to the protein and fatty acid’s ability to soak up hangover pain. Millions of Turks, Romanians and Mexicans can’t possibly be wrong, so head over to your local authentic Mexican restaurant for some Menudo, a tripe stew that is made with lime, onions, cilantro, oregano and chilis.

6 Rely on your own hangover kit

Fizzy water image by Shutterstock

A reasonable handful of Ibuprofen, a giant bottle of water, a packet of Alka-Seltzer and a jungle-sized banana: keep ’em on hand whenever you expect a binge night to occur.

5 Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict image by Shutterstock

We all know that a good greasy breakfast sandwich is the perfect solution to bring us back from the dead after a night of drunken debauchery, but what does this delicious breakfast sandwich have to do with anything? There’s a story originally told to The New Yorker in 1942 that depicts a man named Lemuel Benedict as the originator of this sandwich. He’s wandered into the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in 1894, hoping to find a cure for a particularly blistering hangover. He ordered toast, poached eggs, bacon and a side of Hollandaise sauce. The maître d’hôtel was impressed with the dish so much so that he put it on the menu, substituting ham for bacon and English muffin for toast.

4 Treat your body like a temple

Glass of water image by Shutterstock

I’m not talking about refraining from drinking, I’m just talking about keeping yourself hydrated. And I mean right NOW, not forgetting until the last minute and then taking a few futile sips of water right before you pass out naked on a stairwell. I’m talking about a full glass of water in between every single drink. Easy? No. Will you be urinating every 12 minutes? Yes. But does it work? Hell yes.

3 Exercise

Treadmill image by Shutterstock

The last thing you want to do after a night of heavy drinking is open your eyes, let alone go for a jog, but exercise is very effective at pushing out toxins, improving your mood and shaking off your hangover. Just keep yourself hydrated too.

2 Smoke pot

Marijuana image by Shutterstock

Marijuana is often said to reduce nausea and vomiting. Plus, wake ‘n’ bake, right?

1 Sprite

Emilian Robert Vicol, Flickr

Just recently, Chinese researchers found that Sprite impacts the body’s metabolism in a way that helps to alleviate hangover symptoms more effectively than anything else. Get a 2 liter and do some research of your own.