Stephen Colbert eviscerates ‘Yo’, the app that ONLY sends the world ‘Yo’ AND has raised $1M in funding

Just take a moment to wrap your mind around the fact that we’re living in a world where an app who’s ONLY FUNCTION is to send the words ‘Yo’ just raised ONE MILLION DOLLARS in funding.

Before even getting to how great Stephen Colbert’s take on this garbage app is, I’m going to go ahead and point out that THIS will be the app that pops the current tech bubble. According to VentureBeat they’ve now received over a MILLION DOLLARS in funding, and why? They’re supposedly the new ‘poke’, an early Facebook functionality so pivotally game-changing that it doesn’t even exist anymore?!

Sadly, while this bit was hilarious, ‘ol Colbert stopped short of completely destroying this app for the farce that it is. Which at this point is what we need to stop the bleeding that is bubble bolstering Palo Alto investment.

Source: Uproxx via ComedyCentral