Angry Chinese Man Goes Full ‘Grand Theft Auto’ And Deliberately Crashes Car Through Dealership Window

Looking like you or me when we come across an impossible mission in GTA V, when you’ve tried to beat it so many times but just can’t, so instead you take your aggression out on the poor, unfortunate citizens of San Andreas! It’s mayhem out here in Beijing, China!!!

Reportedly, the man in question deliberately drove that white Volkswagen through the dealership window after a legal dispute with them ended unfavorably.

The terrifying footage shows that a man drove into an Automobile 4S Store in #Beijing frantically and smashed around, crushing many equipment in the store on March 11, 2016.

The man, surnamed Bai, bought a car in the store in July, 2015, but was unsatisfied with the product as well as the store’s service. He sued the store in February, 2016 after they had a dispute on how much refund should be returned. Eventually, the lawsuit was withdrawn.

The salesman said this car attack came “without warning”, and they were “totally unprepared”.

However, Bai had another story to tell. He said that his family was threatened as they were asked to drop the lawsuit. “The store threatened to find ten men to do something to my wife!” said Mr. Bai angrily.

“I called before I came. I didn’t want to hurt anyone.” He said.

The store manager responded to this, saying that “Our salesman does not have any contact information of Mr. Bai’s wife.”

“I called before I came.” Ha! Classic last words before you careen your vehicle through a plated glass window and then proceed to play bumper cars throughout the rest of the dealership while onlookers watch in horror. Way to serve up some justice, Bai…I think?

[h/t Mashable]