Cyclist Tastes Sausalito Asphalt When He Plows Into A Deer At 30MPH

If you’re going to taste asphalt it might as well be Sausalito asphalt, right? This cyclist learned the hard way that nature is unpredictable when he was riding down hill and a deer jumped out in front of him as he was traveling upwards of 30mph.

I’ve never lived in California so I can’t really speak to their deer population, but I could easily see this same scenario happening just outside of NYC in the Hudson Valley. Deer are EVERYWHERE. Whether they’re dropping dumps on your grass or trying to jump out in front of your car, you simply cannot escape them…it appears to be the same on the other side of the country, except that instead of harassing cars the deer are injuring innocent cyclists.

The video kicks into gear around the :24 second mark, so feel free to skip ahead…


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