Dog Reacts To The News That A New Baby’s Coming Home And This Is Exactly How I’d React Too, Dog

This ol’ pupper is reacting to the news that a baby will soon be coming home, or as they call it in the video a ‘baby sister’ is on the way. This dog reacts in the same way I would if I was just told there was a new baby on its way home. That dog’s reaction was not at all what I expected, but I laughed for a solid 30 seconds and that was a fantastic way to start my day.

It’s not that I have anything against babies, it’s moreso that I’m still a lazy ass man-child. So if I were to get blindsided with the news that there was a baby on its way to my home I’d probably have to cough up a good soul-cleansing vomit like that doggie did. For those of you wondering the actual physiological reason that this dog upchucked at the news that a lil baby was coming home the answer’s probably that it was just overexcited and had probably chugged a lot of water in a very fast time, or something of that nature. It was all too overwhelming.
