‘Dude, You’re Getting a Dell’ Guy Has All the Answers for How to Get Dell Back on Track

Anyway, that was—shit—nine years ago, and today the Dell Dude is back in the news after begging for his old job back in a Bloomberg interview. And who wouldn't want that job? Look at this Marlon Brando-esque performance he (aka Ben Curtis) used to get paid to do:

Well, more “Ripping off Jim Breuer” but you get the point.

In the interview, Curtis pointed out the financial difficulties Dell is going through, from dropping to third in global PC sales, to a possible future sale to a private equity firm, and offered a perfect solution

“I think they’re making a huge mistake and simply need to bring back the Dell Dude!” Curtis wrote in an e-mail. “That’s it. That’s all they need to do. If they brought me back, their sales, stock and media presence would skyrocket. That is by FAR the smartest move they could make.

“America agrees,” Curtis said. “My fans are the ones that say and know this. I’m just the messenger.”


I 100% agree. Curtis is the only hope Dell has against Apple and HP and its other competitors. Bring him back… or face certain ruin. Dude.