Do You Want Free Taco Bell For The Rest Of Your Life? Well Now’s Your Chance

Do you like Taco Bell? Duh, of course you do. Who doesn’t like drunk eating tacos at 2 in the morning on a random Wednesday? And if you just thought to yourself “Ew, who makes Taco Bell runs at 2 a.m. on a Wednesday,” then I pity you and your sad, sad life that’s apparently devoid of drunken Taco Bell consumption.

But don’t worry, you can turn your sad life around with the Eleven Everlasting Dollars challenge.

Taco Bell has released eleven dollar bills across America in celebration of the new Dollar Cravings Menu. They may look like regular dollars, but find one of these eleven serial numbers and you could win a lifetime of food from Taco Bell.

There’s even an interactive map that shows which cities the dollars are most likely to pop up in over the next few weeks. So what are you waiting for? Go find the damn $11 and spend the rest of your life swimming in tacos.

[H/T Guyism]