Sadly, George Zimmerman Made A Lot Of Money From Selling The Gun That Killed Trayvon Martin

Despite countless attempts by trolls such as Racist McShootface and Weedlord Bonerhitler, George Zimmerman was able to sell the gun that he used to kill Trayvon Martin. TMZ is reporting that Zimmerman sold the infamous firearm for $120,000.

There were multiple unsuccessful attempts to auction off the gun, but the third attempt was extremely fruitful for Zimmerman.

Apparently there were seven legitimate bidders on the listing who actually wanted the notorious handgun and were willing to pay big bucks for it. The winner is anonymous and the sale is pending verification of the winner’s funds.

Zimmerman must be disappointed that the final bid isn’t $65 million, but those were fraudulent bids that were done only to troll. However, Zimmerman does profit mightily off the tragedy. You can pick up a regular old Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm for $195. Hopefully the buyer destroys the weapon.

On Tuesday, Zimmerman gave an interview to The Daily Beast where he attacked Trayvon’s parents.

“They didn’t raise their son right. He attacked a complete stranger and attempted to kill him,” Zimmerman said of Martin. “Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin did everything they could to capitalize on her son’s death,” he said. “She was never a mother figure to him. Tracy Martin couldn’t have cared less about their son. He treated him like a dog without a leash.”

If there is one silver lining to profit of a tragedy, let’s hope it’s that we never have to hear about George Zimmerman ever again.