Big Breasted Girl Drops Crazy Freestyle On Bus While Huffing Keyboard Duster

This large breasted chick will huff and she’ll puff and she’ll spit raw rhymes on the bus. You might get away with carrying computer-cleaning duster canisters because people will think you’re just a tidy individual who despises Pop-Tart crumbs in your keyboard and not you’re getting high as fuck on it. However canned air contains toxic chemicals such as fluorocarbon, halons, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, tetrafluoroethane, difluoroethane, and/or chlorodiflouromethane, which as you might imagine are not meant to be inhaled by humans. Huffing these gases deprives your body of oxygen and kills brain cells, which by the looks of it this girl needs to keep any and all the brains cells she has left. Other risks are central nervous system disorders, liver damage, hearing loss, kidney damage, seizures, hypoxia, coma and cardiac arrest which can result in death. But hey on the bright side, she has absolutely no dust in her lungs and it helps her lay down some pretty sick bars.