Would You Stay At a Hotel That Looks Like An Anus?

If you’re looking for first class accommodations that you won’t have to pay out the ass for, check out Hotel CasAnus in Belgium. You won’t pay out the ass, you’ll just be stuck inside it.

Built on a small island in Flanders, Belgium, this odd structure was designed to look like a humongous intestinal tract, complete with an anus replica. Created by Joep Van Lieshout, the hotel boasts a double bed, outlet, heater, a shower, toilet and hot water.

This young man was nice enough to record a tour inside the anus. Let’s have a look.

Honestly, I’ve stayed in worse asses. Literally, it was an actual ass.

[via Unusual Hotels of the World]

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Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.