If Gym Ads Were Honest

The fine folks over at Cracked create hilarious fake commercials, and in their latest video they tackle gyms. With the hordes of eager people rushing to the gym in January for three sessions before never going back even though they have a two-year contract because of a stupid New Year’s Eve resolution, it’s the perfect time for this video titled “If Gyms Ads Were Honest.”

The “Horton’s Center To Move Around In” promises that you can move around in many different ways. And they’ll entice you with sexy, toned statue people. For the out of shape shame monsters they’ll be obliged to join a gym because of deep-seated fears and optimism. So sign a gym contract for years and feel the hope endorphins flow through your body. Then pay an extra fee to be able to attend a class held inside the gym that they already paid to enter.
