The True Origin Of 4/20 Explained So You Can Sound Knowledgeable In Front Of Stoners

The True Origin Of 4/20 Explained So You Can Sound Knowledgeable In Front Of Stoners

pixabay / Brent Barnett

  • Each year 4/20 (April 20th) is celebrated by stoners worldwide as the unofficial stoner holiday
  • Here we take a look into why 4/20 is a day celebrated by stoners and where the origin of this celebration came from
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Every year 4/20 rolls around and we acknowledge that it’s the unofficially official stoner holiday celebrated unlike any other. For some people who prefer cannabis to alcohol, 4/20 or (4:20 each day) is like St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, the night before Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve all rolled up into one glorious day of smoking the stickiest ickiest weed.

One of the first things many people Google after smoking their first blunt, buying incense, and downloading a Dave Matthews Band album is ‘the origin of 4/20’. The Google search results for the origins of 4/20 are somewhat murky, with many sites giving multiple explanations for how this time/date came to be significant.

Generally, the rise of 4:20 can be traced back to a group of stoners from the 60’s named The Waldos who used 4:20 as a code. From there, this code found its way into the Grateful Dead culture and later into society. But I don’t want to give away everything in this video from Snoop Dogg‘s MERRY JANE, so I’ll stop there and let you gentlemen watch this video for yourselves.

The True Origin Of 4/20 Explained

If you’d like to learn more about marijuana, cannabis, weed, or whatever else you want to call it you can dive into the BroBible archives by following those links above!

RELATED: The State Of Marijuana — A 4/20 Experience In Colorado

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.