There’s a River That’s Full of Whisky in Scotland and Why Aren’t We There Yet?

That, my friends, is almost nine fucking thousand bottles of whisky, or enough to drink a bottle every two days for the next SIXTY years (I'm trying not to sound like an whisky-devouring alcoholic here. Is it working?). What happened? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? From STV News:

A road tanker containing 27,500 litres of whisky spirit was pumped into the wrong vat, leading to an overspill into the roadway by the river. 

Man, to go swimming in that river. That would be my dream. Like Scrooge McDuck, but instead of gold coins, nothing but booze. It would hurt less, although I'd be more likely to die. 

[H/T Fark, Talisker Distillery via johnbraid /]