Science Confirms That ‘Hangry’ Is A Real Thing, So Always Have Food At Your Crib For Your Girl

Urban Dictionary defines “hangry” as the following: “When you are so hungry that your lack of food causes you to become angry, frustrated or both. An amalgam of hungry and angry invented to describe that feeling when you get when you are out at a restaurant and have been waiting over an hour to get the meal that you have ordered.” Who hasn’t been hangry one time or another in their life or become a victim of a girlfriend who has become hangry and potentially dangerous to talk to. Well, hangry is a real and legitimate condition according to science, so it’s not your girlfriend’s fault.

Scientist and columnist Simon Oxenham found that there is a link between blood sugar levels and the hormones that trigger aggression and anger. In an article in New Scientist, Oxenham wrote that when a person’s blood sugar’s low, their rage is high and vice-versa. When a hungry person has low levels of blood sugar, it causes the body to release cortisol and adrenaline, two chemicals associated with heightened stress. The lack of food also causes a spike in neuropeptide Y levels, which is a hormone that can be connected to aggression. This is why you want to freak the fuck out when you’re at the restaurant and your black and bleu steak takes too long to show up to your foodhole or when you’re starving and make the mistake of asking your girlfriend where she wants to go for dinner.

Oxenham came to these conclusions with a rather peculiar manner. “A classic study of married couples asked them to stick pins into voodoo dolls that represented their loved ones, to reflect how angry they felt towards them,” Oxenham wrote. “The volunteers then competed against their spouse in a game, in which the winner could blast loud noise through the loser’s headphones. The researchers tracked the participants’ blood glucose levels throughout. They found that when people had lower sugar levels, the longer the blasts of unpleasant noise they subjected their spouse to, and the more pins they stuck into their dolls.”

And this is exactly why you always have a spare container of hummus in your fridge and always break up with your girlfriend after dinner.

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