Unprotected Sex Is Getting a Rebrand

Unprotected sex is routinely considered a dangerous action. It comes with many negative connotations, ranging from unwanted pregnancies to extremely unwanted STDs. But what, precisely, is unprotected sex? Well, if you and your girlfriend have both gotten tested and decided to forgo condoms, didn’t you engage in a form of “protection?”

Yes, which is why the CDC has announced that “unprotected sex” is no longer the proper term for sex between individuals who aren’t using condoms. The correct phrase now is the bureaucratic-sounding “condomless sex.” Per Edge on the Net:

In a move praised by HIV/AIDS activists and educators, organizational leadership, and medical researchers, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have agreed to stop using the term “unprotected sex” to mean “sex without condoms.”

Here’s what the Director of the HIV Prevention Justice Alliance Julie Davids had to say about the matter:

The significance of the change, she went on to say, is that “conflating sex without condoms” [and “unprotected sex”] is “inaccurate,” as well as “a dangerous oversimplification of the practices, challenges, and opportunities of HIV prevention as we know them today.”

And Bros, no abusing this. Baby, it’s not unprotected sex, it’s just condomless sex. TOTALLY different. 

[Condom via Shutterstock]