Woman Throws Dog Poop At A Cop’s Face; Surprisingly, That Didn’t Go Well For Her (Video)

A woman in Molendinar, Queensland, Australia who was walking her two dogs was told she would have to take a different route because her road was closed due to a car accident.

Seems like a reasonable request, right? Problem is that she lived on that block and just wanted to get home. Also reasonable.

That’s when the shit hit the fan, errr, police officer.

“I just want to walk home. It’s the only way in, there’s no other way of getting in. If there was I’d be going that way. I’m standing right here, that’s where me and my dogs are standing. I’m standing right fuck here,” she shouted at the cops.

Then she allegedly threw dog poop at one of the cop’s faces and, as one might expect, was put to the ground, cuffed and detained.

Seems reasonable, right?

H/T Death and Taxes