19-Year-Old Patriots Fan Explains How He Helped Crack The Case Of Tom Brady’s Stolen Jersey

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Two weeks ago we learned that Tom Brady’s Super Bowl 51 jersey was smuggled out of the locker room by a credentialed Mexican writer named Martin Mauricio Ortega who had also apparently stolen Brady’s jersey from Super Bowl XLIX two years earlier.

Tom Brady’s jersey would probably be still be missing if it weren’t for 19-year-old Patriots super fan Dylan Wagner who helped crack the case.

Via Pro Football Talk.

the case turned on a tip from a 19-year-old Patriots fan who lives in Seattle and who, more importantly, collects sports memorabilia.

In December, Dylan Wagner sold a jersey to Martin Mauricio Ortega via eBay. They later shared photos of their collections. Ortega’s had Brady’s Super Bowl XLIX jersey, complete with grass stains.

Wagner asked Ortega how he got the item. Ortega said, “I’ll tell you later.”

Opting not to wait for the explanation, Wagner alerted a friend who also is an ATF special agent. Nothing happened.

After Brady’s Super Bowl LI jersey came up missing, Wagner knew that Ortega was the thief. At that point, Wagner heard from the ATF agent, who then gave the information to the FBI.

As Wagner tells it, the video of Ortega in the Patriots’ locker room was inconclusive as to whether Ortega actually stole the item, and that without photo and other facts the teenager gave to the feds, a search warrant for Ortega’s basement wouldn’t have been obtained.

So there you go, some snot nosed kid from Seattle was the one was the one who figured out who stole Tom Brady’s jersey and not the FBI.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.