Marshawn Lynch Is Celebrating His Retirement By Dancing It Up In Egypt And Does It Really Need Further Explanation?

Marshawn Lynch, who has sadly made the decision to retire from the NFL at the young age of 29 — the dude will turn 30 in April — is thankfully giving off the scent that he won’t exactly be going into hiding.

Anyone who declares he’s “gonna get got,” but will “get more than he’s gonna get got” is definitely not the type of sports personality you want to stray away from center stage, playing or not. Ever.

One look at this brief clip saying as much, tells you as much

So with that said, here’s Beast Mode dancing freely and enjoying his retirement like no other in… Egypt?


Interestingly enough, today marks exactly one month to the very day that Lynch famously, and quite literally, hung up his cleats in the middle of the freakin’ Super Bowl. Now, we already have him in Egypt, dancing like there’s no tomorrow. What a treasure.

Pretty sure the best is yet to come. But this is the ideal start. And I would even reach a little here and say I’d actually prefer Retired Lynch to Football Lynch. The possibilities are endless.