Videos Like This Show It’s Only A Matter Of Time Until A Cross-Fit Athlete Accidentally Kills Himself

Cross-Fit is not only stupid, it’s dangerous. In fact it’s probably the most dangerous ‘sport’ there is. Not because the exercises themselves are particularly dangerous, but more so due to the fact that Cross-Fit athletes seem to NEVER know their boundaries.

‘I should totally try this new thing I’ve never attempted nor am I capable of executing, and I should also film it so when everything falls apart I can show the Internet how f*cking stupid Cross-Fit is.’ — Every Cross-Fit athlete ever.

This guy nearly killed himself, and every time I see a video like this it becomes more and more obvious that it’s only a matter of time until a Cross-Fit athlete kills themselves on camera, accidentally.

via Smitty @ BarstoolSports


This CrossFit FAIL reminds me why I slept in, didn’t exercise, didn’t break my a$$