Upgrade Your Everyday Carry With Monthly Knife Club For All The Essentials To Survive Holiday Adventures

Presented by Monthly Knife Club

With the holidays quickly approaching, now’s the time to upgrade your everyday carry, guys, because it’s the one time each year where you can load up your wish list with all the things you want but never seem to take the time to purchase on your own time. Obviously, this time of thing should be taken advantage of.

In order to do so this year, how about adding a membership to Monthly Knife Club to your holiday wish list, as the subscription service is the premier destination for all things guys want the most — from tactical gear to pocket knives — which all come at the fraction of the cost of other places. Plus, by using the code BRO1010, you get an additional 10% off your order, making Monthly Knife Club just that much better.

Use the code BRO1010 for 10% off!


Monthly Knife Club isn’t just the best place to get yourself everyday carry items, but it’s hella easy to sign up, too, so take a look at how it all works below.

First, you need to be over the age of 18 to subscribe. Sorry, that’s the first (and sort of only) rule. For those who are of age, here’s how a Monthly Knife Club subscription works.

Step 1: Select your knife plan, which come in four options: the standard subscription, the name brand subscription, the fixed blade subscription and the ONYX Knife subscription.

Step 2: Monthly Knife Club then ships new knives and tactical gear to you every month, with orders being shipped out between the 15th and 25th every month.

With Monthly Knife Club being so easy to sign up for — and the products so cheap to buy — we won’t blame you if you go a little crazy adding a bunch of this stuff to your holiday list. After all, how else do you plan to survive some of winter’s adventures?

Use the code BRO1010 for 10% off!


While Monthly Knife Club is designed as a subscription service, for those guys afraid of committing too much before trying things out, the service is still an ideal way to get all your everyday carry items. That’s why the company has both their tactical grab bags, as well as individual gear in their online shop, which gives you control over the frequency you want stuff.

No matter what you’re looking for this holiday season, Monthly Knife Club has you covered. Remember, using the code BRO1010 gets you an additional 10% off your order, so get huge savings on all the everyday carry items you’re looking for most.

Use the code BRO1010 for 10% off!


The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships and we will get a percentage of the revenue from sales.