Some Bro Genius Created An Epic New Party Game That Combines Cornhole And Golf


Bros love cornhole. Bros love golf. Now there’s a way to combine both these activities in a variety of social situations: At the beach, in the backyard during a barbecue, behind the frat house, in the parking lot of a stadium while tailgating. A genius group of Bros on Kickstarter created something called Chippo, “the glorious lovechild of golf and cornhole (the popular bean bag toss game).” It’s shattered it’s initial production goal of $12,000 and raised over $50,000 in just a few days.

Chippo is our very own invention: a patent pending, mind-blowing mash-up of golf and traditional backyard games. We like to call Chippo the glorious lovechild of golf and cornhole (the popular bean bag toss game). We’ve combined the old fashioned, beer-slugging, tailgate-dominating, sunshine-basking goodness of games like cornhole with the gentlemanly, giddiness-inducing, side-betting beauty of golf. Chippo is the only backyard game where you can work over your buddies, while working on your short game. Sound good? Well, we are ready to bring Chippo to beaches, backyards, tailgates, gym classes and golf clubhouses all over these great United States of America

There’s no doubt it’s the next great backyard party game for savages all around America. Focusing on your chip shot while slugging brews with your friends like a game of cornhole? That’s as good as life gets.

Here’s what’s included in the sets available on Kickstater:

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And here’s how you play: 

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Don’t want it for the spring, NEED it for the spring. 

Sets start at $169 dollars on Kickstarter….

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Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, writing on this site since 2009. He writes about sports, music, men's fashion, outdoor gear, traveling, skiing, and epic adventures. Based in Los Angeles, he also enjoys interviewing athletes and entertainers. Proud Penn State alum, former New Yorker. Email: