Oh And On Top Of Everything, Iran Just Tested A New Nuclear Ballistic Missile, In Violation Of U.N. Resolutions

Fox News

Been a pretty shitty week for the state of the world and, unfortunately, I’m not here to tell you things are better.

U.S. officials today announced that Iran tested a new ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

Hmmm. What might one need those for? Not nuclear bombing people? Believe that at your own risk.

The test came on November 21st, but was just now disclosed to Fox News.

The missile, known as a Ghadr-110, has a range of 1,800 – 2000 km, or 1200 miles, and is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The missile fired in November is an improved version of the Shahab 3, and is similar to the precision guided missile tested by Iran on Oct. 10, which elicited strong condemnation from members of the U.N. Security Council.

The testing of ballistic missiles violates not one, but two, resolutions passed by the U.N. Officials believe Iran is racing to perfect its ballistic missile systems before the nuclear treaty it reached with the West goes into effect.

Seems … kinda counter to the spirit of that, you know?

[Via Fox News]