Explore Your Hometown Using Link From ‘The Legend Of Zelda’ On Google Maps

I can’t think of a better way to commemorate the storied Hero of Time as ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD’ than to grant the green tunic clad, sword-slinging free reign over the Google Maps kingdom. Yep, that’s right: for five days, which makes sense since the game ain’t even out in Japan yet (drops March 10th) you can drag Link around as your badass ‘pegman,’ through your hometown. If you take a look see at the game trailer below, which features new and improved parts of the remastered, polished, and primed game you’ll see it’s pretty fucking evident that more classic Nintendo games could benefit vastly from this kind of a remastering touch-up. And don’t even get me started on how stoked I am for hero mode–let’s just leave that at, it’s about damn time.

[H/T: Engadget]