This Map Shows Every State’s Favorite Word To Use In Online Dating Profiles

I’m really hoping that the reason “DISNEY” is the most popular online dating profile word down in Florida is because it’s full of gold digging chicks looking for men to take them on free trips to Disney, rather than the obvious scenario that there’s a bunch of 15-year-olds pimping themselves out for Mickey Mouse plushies.

As for where the map came from, Mashable paired up with to find out what the most commonly used dating profile word in each state is, and puzzlingly there’s a bunch of states that like to use the word “oil.” Could be cliche lines like “You’ve struck OIL with me!” or “I like to slip my dick into a bottle of olive oil before going to town on that beaver,” we can’t say for sure — they don’t specify.

Oh well. #Mysteries.