Mark Wahlberg Fights The Gulf Of Mexico In The Trailer For ‘Deepwater Horizon’

In his illustrious acting career, Mark Wahlberg has fought: The Taliban in Lone Survivor, robot aliens in Transformers: Age of Extinction, The FBI and DEA in Pain and Gain, a corrupt Boston police department in The Departed, expectations in Invincible, the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard in Three Kings, and some apes in Planet of the Apes.

He’s also taking on the Tsarnaev brothers in the upcoming Patriot’s Day.

But this fall, he will fight his greatest fight ever as he works as an engineer on the Deepwater Horizon .

Will Mark Wahlberg be able to set fire to the oil rig, fail to activate a blowout preventer, and spill 4.9 million barrels in the Gulf of Mexico over the course of four months, causing the greatest environmental disaster of the 21st century.

I mean, yes? Unless they totally rewrite history and Mark Wahlberg stops the spill. I guess you’ll have to watch and find out.

Like seriously, what the fuck is this movie about? Maybe a Sorkin-esque film about the four month effort to stop the spill would be interesting, but this appears solely to be focused on Mark Wahlberg working on the rig the day it blows up.

Sure. Whatever. Great premise.

Related: Did you know Hollywood also made a movie about the Exxon Valdez oil spill? Apparently this is a thing.

[H/T Digg]