Map Shows Popular Google Searches For Each State Over Last 10 Years And The Results Are An Embarrassment To America

Estately put together this map of the most searched Google terms over the last eleven years compared to other states. How they compiled this data, I’m not sure, but I’m hoping there’s a major glitch in the reporting. If these stats are legit, and these are popular searches in each state, this entire country should be god damn ashamed of itself.

Hang your head in shame, Maine. California, you just dropped a hundred points on the coolness charts unless Fantasy Bowling is a new club drug. Really, North Carolina? Where’s the fucking internet? The Hot Chick? THE HOT CHICK?!?!?! Unless Rob Schneider’s ENTIRE FAMILY lives in New Mexico and searches the movie once a day, every day, there’s no excuse for anyone to be searching that movie unless the question is “what was that fucking dumb movie with Rob Schneider movie where he dresses like a chick?

Although this map does explain why people are taking Donald Trump’s presidential run seriously.

[via Estately]

Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.