What paragon of manhood will be the next to capture the heart of America’s most disturbing young woman? She’s only 19 years old, but Courtney Stodden has lived more than some senior citizens we know. Whether it’s posing nude for Girls & Corpses Magazine or getting a completely unnecessary boob job, Stodden has been the toast of the tabloids for years.
A little recap: Courtney Stodden dropped out of school because she was “teased over the way she looks,” was Christian homeschooled and met Doug Hutchison on the Internet. Despite being thirty-five years older than her, the pair struck up a relationship and were wed in 2011 when Stodden was just 16 (Hutchison was 51). She moved to California, the pair appeared on Couples Therapy, and a star was born. Not a star we needed, but maybe a star we deserved.
But there’s trouble in paradise – Radar Online is reporting that Stodden has split from husband Hutchison and is setting out on her own. The pair hasn’t been seen together in public since October 2nd, and she’s booking appearances in Europe solo. They haven’t announced anything publicly, but Radar’s source says that the pair will probably drag things out for a while to secure maximum coverage. If there’s one thing that still bonds the pair, it’s the need to have paparazzi present at all times.
Stodden will carry on, of course – she’s only 19 (despite looking like a stripper in her early 30s) and the media can still squeeze a little bit of crazy juice out of her. But whither poor Doug Hutchison? Without his jailbait moneymaker on his arm, he’s just another washed-up Hollywood actor past his prime. No reality show is going to want to book him without Courtney, and he’s grown pretty accustomed to the ridiculous press coverage he would get just for letting his child bride show some cleavage.