We’ve gone almost an entire day without posting something about Miley Cyrus, so it looks like it’s up to me to break the streak and throw some good ol’ Cyrus news up in this bitch.
The last time we saw Miley’s Homeless Pet (also known as Jesse Helt, but I prefer my moniker better) he was busy running around avoiding arrest after having violated the conditions of his probation. What was included in this probation, you ask? Community service, staying in for curfew, reporting to a probation officer and taking a drug test. What parts did he violate? All of them. You had…five? FIVE JOBS HOMELESS PET, THIS WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE HARD.
Alas, it was. And so finally after several months on the “run,” Miley’s Homeless Pet is now in jail.
But today, Jesse Helt was jailed for six months after violating the terms of his probation in Oregon.
The 22-year-old, who also accepted Miley’s award for video of the year during the ceremony in August, was led away in handcuffs by officers at Polk County Courthouse in Dallas.
During the hearing, he had pleaded with Judge Monte Campbell for leniency, telling him he would ‘like to be viewed as a good person, not as a nuisance to society’…
Helt, an aspiring model, was arrested on a series of misdemeanor charges, including breaking into an apartment, in his native Oregon in 2010, receiving probation…
But during the following year, he missed meetings with his probation officer, violated his curfew and failed to complete community service after moving to Los Angeles…
On August 29, Helt turned himself in to authorities in his rural community, 60 miles southwest of Portland, after a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was later freed on $2,500 bail.
Last month, he got a rebuke from Judge Campbell after showing up 45 minutes late to a hearing. The judge told him to ‘bring a toothbrush’ if he was tardy to today’s probation violation hearing…
However, it did not win any points with Judge Campbell, who agreed with prosecutor Aaron Felton’s recommendation for six months in jail. Helt will get credit for 57 days previously served.
Well…at least he isn’t homeless anymore? Oh wait I forgot, he never was in the first place.
[H/T Daily Mail]