Did you know that Iggy Azalea was born a man? Neither did I. Sounds like total horseshit to me, but what do I know? I’m not Iggy Azalea so it’s not like I can just ask myself if I was born with a giant schlong.
You know who can ask Iggy though? Huzlers.com, a random website I’ve never heard of until today. According to the site Iggy confessed that she was born a man during an interview with MTV…except Iggy apparently doesn’t remember doing that.
Wait, so I’m just now reading that I was born a man and my name is Cody? *Cackling* why Cody tho? Lol.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 12, 2014
I just don’t see myself as a Cody.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 12, 2014
I’m more of a Liam, if had a penis. Liam Azalea.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 12, 2014
Am I still gonna get my billboard women in music award tomorrow, now that I supposedly have a penis or nah?
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 12, 2014
But it wasn’t just Iggy who was like “Wait wut m8,” even MTV was like:
…um, we’re MTV, and Iggy never said that to us.
And so this is what happens, ladies and gentlemen, when people are stupid and don’t realize when they’re reading intentional bullshit “news.” You see, Huzlers.com describes itself under the “About us” portion of their website as follows:
Yeah, it’s a website full of bullshit that strives to be the pop culture-oriented version of The Onion. I mean look at their home page:
Kanye West is pissed he can’t follow himself on Twitter? Granted, that’s pretty clever, but also obvious bullshit because even Kanye West isn’t so stupid as to say something like that out loud in front of reporters. The Internet would have a goddamn field day. Take this as a lesson folks: if it sounds like stupid bullshit, it probably is stupid bullshit.
So now when you hear a friend say “Oh dude I heard Iggy Azalea was born a man,” you can say “Shut the fuck up you’re an idiot” and then send them over to this post so they can feel bad about themselves and wallow in shame and stupidity.
You’re welcome.