This Justin Bieber mugshot will probably make people hate him even more

Because I know you want to see it, here is the Justin Bieber mugshot we’ve all been waiting for following his arrest for DUI and drag racing. He looks happy, doesn’t he? Maybe it’s because he knows when you’re Justin Bieber there’s no chance any of this matters other than it being a small inconvenience. (Lindsay Lohan, anyone?) Or maybe it’s because HIS DAD was one of the people who played a part in his actually getting arrested!

Related: Justin Bieber arrested for DUI and drag racing: video and the details so far

By the way, since our earlier report, Chantel Jeffries has been identified as the model that was in the car with Biebs when he got popped. Luckily for you we did a feature on her back in October in anticipation of this momentous turn of events. Check it out here.
