Need more proof that Leonardo DiCaprio is the king of all bros? He reportedly partied with 50 women while in Brazil for the World Cup. The best part? 30 of them were flown in and provided accommodations at his expense. Dude is the real life “Wolf of Wall Street” only without, you know, the whole ripping people off financially thing.
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Reports The Daily Mirror…
The Hollywood playboy, who’s living a real-life Wolf of Wall Street moment at the football tournament, hand-picked 50 women to party with him in Buzios. FIFTY!
Thirty were flown in specially, put up in a swanky hotel and fed and watered all at his expense – how very generous. The other 20 live in the wealthy tourist resort which is 100 miles east of capital Rio.
“Some of the girls taught him a dance to Valesca Popozuda’s hit Bejinho no Ombro – Little Kiss on the Shoulder – and he loved it so much he kept asking the DJ to play it again and again.”
“He didn’t really cosy up to any one girl in particular. He was really sociable and kept wandering from one woman to the next. He seemed keen to have a good time with all of them.”
So either Leo’s no longer banging model Toni Garrn (who he supposedly moved in with) or she’s the best girlfriend in the history of the universe. Either way he seems to be winning.
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Leonardo DiCaprio channels inner Wolf of Wall Street and invites 50 women to Brazil bash [Daily Mirror]
Leonardo DiCaprio image by Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock