Remember all the chaos Gary Oldman caused with his anti-Semitic remarks last week? (No, because it’s been more than 24 hours?) Well, Mel Gibson totally gets Gary Oldman.
Related: Gary Oldman calls himself ‘an a–hole’ in televised apology
Variety: Going back to the issue of being in the public eye, do you have any sympathy for Gary Oldman, and the predicament he was in recently?
Gibson: What was that? How did that come about?
(Take note here: Gibson claims to know nothing of Oldman’s remarks.)
Variety: It started with an interview in Playboy, certain sentences were pulled out, and he apologized…
Gibson: These things happen. As we all know… I have nothing much to say. The guy was probably just… He’s a good guy.
Variety: He’s a great actor. I’ve not met him…
Gibson: He’s fantastic. I know him. He’s a good dude… I didn’t even look too hard.
(Now he says he didn’t even look to hard, meaning he WAS in fact aware of the remarks. Step on your own dick much, Mel?)
So once again we have proof that many of the stars of Hollywood don’t have a clue nor care about anything that exists outside of their insular little world. As if we needed it.
Related: Gary Oldman defends Mel Gibson, Alec Baldwin in insanity-filled interview
Mel Gibson on Hollywood, Independent Filmmaking, Sharks, Vikings and Gary Oldman [Contact Music]
Mel Gibson image by Aleš Studený/Shutterstock