To be honest, I don’t remember the last time Kim Kardashian was nude on a magazine cover, but it’s probably because it was during a point in my life where my job didn’t involve scouring the Internet for nude celebrity photos to post on a men’s website. But as we all know, the Internet NEVER forgets. It is a cruel ex-girlfriend who will call you up randomly at 3 a.m. on weeknights while you’re sleeping just to start a fight about that one time you left the toilet seat up and she fell in. You don’t even remember that happening, but she definitely does, and will be damned if you forget for a second it did.
And so here you have your #tbt of the day, the time where Kim Kardashian cried about how she took naked photos for a magazine and then that magazine went and released them, as common sense would have them do.
And for another #tbt moment, isn’t the whole reason Kim Kardashian is famous because she was in a leaked sex tape with Ray J? I haven’t had the joy of watching the video, but I have to assume she was naked in that as well since a leaked sex tape without nudity is only something that Mormons would watch. SHE’S BEEN NAKED BEFORE, PEOPLE. This is nothing new.
P.S., can someone tell me what Paper Magazine is? Yes it’s a magazine and yes it’s made out of paper, but who are they and did anyone else know of their existence before Kim Kardashian got naked for the umpteenth time on their cover?
[H/T In Touch Weekly]