The 37 most entertaining celebrity tweets this week

Every week celebrities go on Twitter and speak their minds. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re thought-provoking, and sometimes we don’t know what they’re talking about. This list is all of that and more. Strap in. It could get bumpy.


Patience, grasshopper.

And is just as fun to watch.

Ummm…. uh… okay.


True. You never hear the term, ugly Canadian.

Not a bad way to plan the week.

Maybe that’s why no one wants to be President.

The creative process at work.

Also a solid way to plan your week.

He’s joking, but he may have a point.

He’s referring to THIS.

In other news there’s a film called Strippers vs. Werewolves.

Ever the romantic.

She should be.

He’s this year’s Oscar sleeper.

Ohhh I hate that Mark!

I beg to differ.

She has arrived.

No. I won’t do it.

See? This is why.

RIP Warrior.

Being a knob has no price tag.

Legitimate question.

Easy mistake.

Umm…uh…never mind.


Superb burn.

How could we forget? Ohh…

And you’re only getting started.

If you can make it there…

He just described my last two weekends.

Do it, Chrissy!

How does one get that job, by the way?

I am now part of the “everyone.”

Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!